Thursday, March 21, 2013

Import Parameter in Constructor

A constructor can have Import parameter and that parameter will get the value at the time of creating the object. Here we have a program where we have declared a constructor with Import parameter. Then we have implement the method constructor. After that we create the object and export a value to the import parameter.

REPORT  zsr_test.

PARAMETERS p_text TYPE char20.

*       CLASS cl_construct DEFINITION
CLASS cl_construct DEFINITION.
    METHODS constructor IMPORTING i_text TYPE char20.
ENDCLASS.                    "cl_construct DEFINITION

*       CLASS cl_construct IMPLEMENTATION
  METHOD constructor.
    WRITE: /3 i_text,
           /3 'Date: ', sy-datum DD/MM/YYYY.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "constructor
ENDCLASS.                    "cl_construct IMPLEMENTATION

  DATA obj TYPE REF TO cl_construct.
  CREATE OBJECT obj EXPORTING i_text = p_text.

Below is the output:


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