Thursday, August 8, 2019

At Selection Screen on Value Request

At Selection Screen on Value Request event is used to display the possible values to be entered into the input field. In the following example we press F4 button on the material field and then we can see the materials with description. Now we can double click on the material which is required and that material will be entered into the input field.

DATAit_return TYPE TABLE OF ddshretval.

  PARAMETERS p_matnr TYPE mara-matnr.

  SELECT matnrmaktx FROM makt
    INTO TABLE @DATA(it_mara)
    WHERE spras @sy-langu.

  IF sy-subrc 0.
    SORT it_mara.

      retfield        'MATNR'
      value_org       'S'
      value_tab       it_mara
      return_tab      it_return
      parameter_error 1
      no_values_found 2
      OTHERS          3.

  LOOP AT it_return ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<lw_ret>).
    p_matnr <lw_ret>-fieldval.

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