Group By clause categorizes and summarizes the lines of
database table based on a single field. That single field is mentioned in the
group by clause. We can use multiple fields in the group by clause also. Here
the database table records will be summarized according to those fields.
The fields mentioned in the group by clause cannot be
specified for the aggregate function. We have to use other fields which are not
specified in group by clause to calculate the aggregate function. Now we have
the a PO with the following quantity.
REPORT zabap_gui.
ebeln TYPE ekpo-ebeln,
po_max TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
po_min TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
tq_max TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
tq_min TYPE p DECIMALS 2.
WRITE:/ 'PO No',
15 'Max PO Quantity',
35 'Min PO Quantity',
55 'Max Target',
70 'Min Target'.
SELECT ebeln
MAX( menge ) MIN( menge )
MAX( ktmng ) MIN( ktmng )
FROM ekpo
INTO (ebeln,
po_max, po_min,
tq_max, tq_min)
GROUP BY ebeln.
WRITE:/ ebeln,
15 po_max,
35 po_min,
55 tq_max,
70 tq_min.
ebeln TYPE ekpo-ebeln,
po_max TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
po_min TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
tq_max TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
tq_min TYPE p DECIMALS 2.
WRITE:/ 'PO No',
15 'Max PO Quantity',
35 'Min PO Quantity',
55 'Max Target',
70 'Min Target'.
SELECT ebeln
MAX( menge ) MIN( menge )
MAX( ktmng ) MIN( ktmng )
FROM ekpo
INTO (ebeln,
po_max, po_min,
tq_max, tq_min)
GROUP BY ebeln.
WRITE:/ ebeln,
15 po_max,
35 po_min,
55 tq_max,
70 tq_min.
Here is the output:
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